Monthly Archives: February 2014



Evolution is transformation. We evolve, not by discarding or destroying what is, but by transforming it into a higher form of itself.

We heal our ill feelings, not by casting them out or holding them in, but by transforming them into the love they once were.

We heal our karma, not by ignoring it or suffering more than we need to, but by transforming our ignorance into understanding and acceptance.

However, evolution is not an automatic ever-ascending spiritual conveyor-belt, but the result of our ability to face reality, adjust, adapt, and change.

The process of transformation includes taking responsibility for the problems we face and being determined to not only do something about them, but to look more deeply into them so that we can know HOW to transform them. Knowledge is power, but only if it is correctly understood. We must be prepared to let old dogma go and learn new things.

As we evolve, the outer persona is swept away, and we are seen for who we really are inside. At this phase of our transformation, we are starting to see ourselves and each other as we truly are – and not who we are programmed to believe we are. We are in the process of becoming our WHOLE selves – which we are feeling profoundly. In fact, what we are experiencing on Earth at this time is awakening our entire emotional range – the feminine energy that exists within each of us, male and female alike. And as we express our feelings (our honesty), our true colors start to shine.

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