Monthly Archives: December 2016

LEAVING 2016 (week 50)

Calendar week 50 runs from December 9th to 15th. It is a 5 Week in the world. This week’s unpredictable 5 3 9 combination acts as a catalyst for a major change of direction. The abruptness of unforeseen events can throw us off-guard or give a false appearance, so this is no time to ignore what’s happening in our world. Awareness of reality is our greatest safety net.

This is a 5 WEEK: the sudden, unexpected, unusual, and diverse.

3 MONTH: appearance, performance, and all forms of communication.

9 YEAR: the end of an era – drama – deep emotions – increased awareness.

After the grinding of gears we experienced in the last 10 weeks when all the Week Numbers began with restrictive 4, we now have three weeks ahead of us in which the Week Numbers begin with 5 – the number of freedom, movement, sudden development, gender and sex, physical presence, diversity, and anything that is ‘different’. Impulsive moves can create havoc, so we need to think carefully before rushing forward.

5 brings change, and a big change occurred on Friday, December 9, the very first day of Week 50, when the CIA announced that it has growing evidence (along with 16 other US intelligence agencies), that Russia interfered with the U.S. presidential election, in favor of Donald Trump. How this plays out in the days and weeks ahead, is impossible to guess – and this level of uncertainty is a 5 characteristic – on a major scale. This affects not only the United States, but many other democracies around the world which Russia may want to influence.

Because 5 sits at the very center of the numeric spectrum, events can shift without warning in any direction, which is why CHOICE is such a major aspect. The question “where do we go from here?” looms large. Knowing what our options are is vital.

The choices being made at the government level affect our lives deeply – and we really do need to better understand the intent behind them.

Not only are we learning from previous experience, but also from new experience in present time. There is nothing ‘normal’ about current conditions. 5 exposes our habits, addictions, and programmed beliefs, and breaks down deceptive structures and walls where truth is hidden. 5 often gives us an erratic, fast-moving, and chaotic dose of reality. Things can happen very quickly in the 5 energy – here today – gone tomorrow.

Caution is needed in our personal lives, and in the world at large, because 3, 5 and 9 are accident-prone vibrations, especially when our attention is distracted and scattered.

When 5 and 9 combine, the karmic 14 energy is formed, and the potential for mistakes and mis-steps increases. 1 = forward movement while 4 = restriction, and we can easily get ‘lost’ when we are unfocused or indifferent to what is happening around us. On the other hand, when we learn from mistakes instead of repeating them, karmic 14/5 can deliver fast and meaningful progress.

5 is where EVERYTHING MEETS – and there are bound to be clashes. However, when we take things slowly enough to observe the obvious details, and deeply enough to unearth the hidden details, one opportunity leads to another.

When 3 and 5 combine, the resulting 8 energy enables inner desire to manifest on the physical plane. This is the vibration of conception and pregnancy. The 3/5 combination can bring new life into a situation – or into the world. This is a time of waiting and expectancy – and while this can indicate much joy and excitement – there is also much fear about a re-birth of fascism.

8 is the number of power on the material plane – and the great battle for power (which has always existed at the top of the class system) has lost any semblance of ‘trickling down’ on the masses. The fall-out from the great fight at the top is gushing down now and affecting everyone. There is an old African saying “When elephants fight, it is the grass that suffers”. And the ‘grass’ is suffering terribly – the people – the animals – and all of the natural world. Remember that the consequence of power depends on whose hands it is in.

As Donald Trump continues to put together a government of bankers, generals, oil men, and hardliners, who clearly oppose the purpose of their assigned departments, we must ask why Russia put so much effort into helping him, and why he is choosing these particular people, many of whom are deeply involved in Russian commerce. And as feminine energy (free will) rises, the more it is likely to be attacked. The anti-woman makeup of Trump’s appointees is quite chilling. 3 key choices have been accused of sexual or physical abuse against women, as has Trump himself.

Many who profited the most from the old system of the male-driven 1000s either do not realize that the system is collapsing under the weight of its own unfairness and top-heaviness, or they do realize it, and are having a last ditch attempt to revive those ‘good old days’. But time moves forward regardless. The balance-seeking energy of the feminine 2000s will eventually render this battle over, and put it in its proper place, in the past. Meanwhile, fascism must be vehemently resisted.

Once we accept the reality of a situation, 5 can help reduce our fears through its gift of resourcefulness, and its ‘can-do’ sense of adventure. 5 teaches us how to find our way forward when we cannot tell which way forward is. 5 can help us sort through and weigh up the FACTS and ensure that the mistakes of history are not repeated. Notice the effort to obscure the meaning of the words ‘fact’ and ‘truth’, and manipulate people into believing the ridiculous notion that “facts don’t matter.” This has always been a tactic of this dishonest system, but now it is more blatant.

A much bigger picture is forming which goes way beyond party politics, and focuses on nation against nation, and the alliances between nations and corporations that are now forming. Gigantic corporate mergers are in the works which will evoke corporate dominance – and disempower the population. The proposed merger between ATT and Time Warner could destroy any privacy we currently have, but that is not the only issue. It could also make it impossible for millions of people to access the internet at all, simply by making their services unaffordable. After all, it is the internet that is currently providing the transparency through which we are able to gain awareness of how the system works.

Fascism is the most heartless extreme which always tightens its grip when capitalism is on the downswing. Fear of loss then sends the deadly disease of GREED into overdrive, and ‘austerity measures’ are put into play. This robs the population of fundamental needs -basic human rights – so that the ‘weakest’ cannot survive at all.

Fascism must be resisted with all our might (and we have more power than we seem to realize), but it is not just a matter of protesting, marching, suing, and whatever other means are available. If fascism does take hold, open resistance will have to go underground. That situation does not yet exist – but this is not ‘politics as usual’. It is an attempt to totally control all the people, and all of life, indefinitely.

December is a DOUBLE 3 MONTH. The first 3 comes from the month itself (1+2=3), and the second 3 is the result of adding 2016 to it. (3+2+0+1+6=1+2=3). 3 represents people and population, happiness, sunshine, friends, joy, and the lighter side of life. The reverse side of 3 = misery, gloom, hopelessness, enemies, bitterness, and the depths of despair.

3 is also the number of OPTIMISM, which is a powerful force when mixed with realism. Humanity has so much to discover and look forward to, but we have to create it ourselves. 3 is the number of CREATIVITY. We have to ‘BE the change we want’. And that is something we must keep in our hearts, no matter how things unfold in the days, weeks, months, and years ahead.

3 is the number of COMMUNICATION – but the deceptive word-play and outright lies with which we are currently dealing is bringing confusion to a new level. How do we wade through this muck? Remember that everything starts within. Know who you are. Know how you feel. Know what is truly in your heart. BE that person. Care about others. And be prepared to learn and evolve as you go. Have faith in yourself. Have faith in life.

What we are going through now cannot be avoided in the course of our evolution. We can never go back to how things were. If we learn from both our mistakes and successes, what is good will stay and what is not will fall away. We can only go forward. The drag we are feeling is the result of trying to hold on to the past and move forward at the same time. We can only let go of the past by learning what it has to teach.

LEAVING 2016 (week 49)

This is calendar Week 49. What an exhausting year 2016 has been – with 4 more weeks to go!  In this spiraling 9 Year of drama and trauma – and this wobbling Leap Year of insecurity and disbelief – our emotions have been so deeply unconscious that we had to be shocked into seeing the reality of our world, our lives, our leaders, and our selves. But denial is hard to escape from because denial’s nature is to deny its own existence. Denial of reality is life’s real ‘darkness’, and has always been our biggest barrier to evolvement.

At a time in the human journey when we are evolving emotionally, our feelings are ferociously under attack, which is why so many people feel drained and exhausted. We are being spun. At the same time, fascism, which deviously feeds off the genuine concerns of citizens, continues to rise, everywhere. One of the most important lessons we can learn in week 49 is that people are not easily controlled when they are aware of the methods used to control them.

4 is the number of FACT and DETAIL, and here we are in the final week of a 10-week cycle in which all the week numbers began with 4 – the number of order, system, restriction, obstruction, delay, hard work, dedication, our sense of identity, and breakthrough.

4 has taught us a lot about the 4th Estate – otherwise known as the press. Journalism acquired this title because their principle role is to report the truth and help keep governments and corporations honest – and should be looked upon (unofficially) as the 4th branch of government. That is how essential the press is meant to be. But of course, this requires dedication to the truth – which cannot coexist with concerns about “ratings”, being the ‘first’ to report, or a journalist’s personal ‘image”.

Week 49 is a karmic 13/4 week which holds important lessons about carelessness when attention to detail is essential – about insisting on doing things “your way” – and about identifying yourself by the work you do, or the persona you reflect, rather than the person you are.

4 seeks out the illogical and incorrect and replaces it with practicality and accuracy. This energy thrives on detail, formula, routine, organization, and the recognition of patterns. However, if learning is not the intention, 4 can also bulldoze its way over anything that crosses its path in order to prove itself right – and superior.

Week 49 brings plenty of obstruction, but also the means and determination to break through barriers. Don’t be distracted by trivial or irrelevant matters. This is an opportunity to escape from denial and move with more ease into the light of reality, even if we do not like what we see there. We cannot change what we refuse to look at.

4 means getting organized and constructing a firm foundation from which to work. Solid information sources and organization are essential to maintaining freedom in the months and years ahead, despite any obstructions and distractions that are thrown in our path.

4 is the number of practicality, maturity, determination, effort, and the kind of enthusiasm that can only be maintained by realism – and approaching goals with both firmness and flexibility. 4 can make us very stubborn at times, but the 9 energy of 2016 can help us LET GO of the need to be ‘right’ all the time and actually learn something new. 4 is the number of common sense and logic.

Situations may arise in which the number 13 is brought forward in relevant ways, such as the 13th Amendment, which was ratified 151 years ago on December 6, (a 9 day in the world) and which corresponds directly to the surge of white supremacy which has arisen in the USA – and throughout the world). The whole question of RACE is reaching a critical stage – as the cracks in this dying system reveal the horrific imbalance that exists between human beings.

We are not the human ‘RACE’.  The human race is a system, not a species.

We are humanity – humankind – and we have not even begun to understand our purpose and potential because the system depends on our not knowing it. In this system we are simply units of work.

But we are not here in creation to provide labor to some industry or other. We are here to create – not destroy. What’s happening now threatens to subdue the creative pulse with a destructive one – which is self destruction. No imagination. No resourcefulness. Small mindedness. Closed mindedness. Minds focused so narrowly on greed or hate that the mind shrinks and mindlessness sets in.

4 represents the FACTS OF THE MATTER. But this term is all too often used to communicate opinion. A surge of ant-intellectualism is sweeping through the world and is being communicated very noticeably. 3 is the number of COMMUNICATION, and December is a DOUBLE 3 MONTH (1+2=3+9=1+2=3).

Anti-intellectualism – part of the dumbing-down process – reached new levels this week when Trump spokesperson, Scottie Nell Hughes, communicated to Diane Rehm of NPR that there is “no such thing as facts any more”.

No such thing as knowledge? No difference between fact and opinion? Between fact and fiction? She went on to cast doubt on the existence of truth itself – and implied that we cannot actually ‘know’ anything for sure.

COMMUNICATION is transmission. It is how we think and learn – and it is under attack by the remnants of an old unsustainable way of life which runs on fear, greed, and hate.

In a month when communication is the principle theme, it is important to know that this age-old tactic of extreme nihilism has always been used in nazi and fascist propaganda. Skepticism at this dangerous level is the denial of any objective basis for truth, and renders communication almost impossible. 3 is perhaps the most magical number. It is the number of happiness, after all. But it can also be the shallowest. Shallowness is lack of depth, curiosity, feeling, intellect, effort.

Part of 3’s magic is the power of OPTIMISM, which is another word for HOPE. That is what carries through bad times. Without it, we sink into the depths of despair. HOPE is the last thing to go! So hold on to it. It is the belief that we can learn how to change what needs to change, and that we have it in us to turn things around.

This karmic 13/4 Week began on the 337th day of this Leap year (3+3+7=13/4), so here is another double vibration. KARMA is the learning of what we most need to know in order to move forward. Karma teaches the laws of cause-and-effect. If you do “this” – this will happen. If you do “that” – that will happen … and these are deeply karmic times.

The 13/4 vibration of Week 49 can help us gain more understanding of the role we have played in allowing certain things to happen by ignoring the ‘how’ and ‘why’. We don’t go deeply enough into the facts. But the path we are on right now is unfamiliar and potentially perilous. We don’t know where it’s leading – so we need to focus, look beneath mere surface appearances, and pay attention to the details.

Mass communication is a way of getting inside everyone’s head at the same time. This is why the proposed merger between the communications giants AT&T and Time Warner is such an important issue. If it goes through, it would give them the unprecedented power to control everything we hear, see, and do, online.

One of the emotions so many people are feeling at this time (but may not have identified as such) is the fear of being trapped with no way out. We all experience this in our own way because we are individuals, and our circumstances and backgrounds are different. Understandably, we avoid this fear at all costs, because it feels SO bad. So we compromise. We make decisions that we believe will ensure we never have to feel this feeling – and we end up feeling it anyway because that is what denied emotions do. Fear is not the problem. Being unable to face our fears is the problem – and the more we refuse to face our fears, the more we attract conditions that force us to do so. No one wants to live in fear. That would be like living in constant hell. Therefore, we must learn how to properly process this natural emotion, the purpose of which is to keep us safe.

Talking of communication and learning experiences, President Elect Trump made a serious error this week by communicating with the president of Taiwan, apparently with no knowledge of the treaty between the United States and China. Another aspect of nihilism is the rejection of established laws and institutions – which may sound attractive to some. But in a world which so desperately needs diplomacy, not provocation, this is extremely reckless. This is how wars are started. We are in the 2000s, and 2 is the number of peace through diplomacy.

And talking of treaties, Monday, December 5 marks the eviction deadline for the embattled but determined water protectors at Standing Rock, North Dakota. Since April, they have been protesting the planned pipeline of oil company, Dakota Access, across Native American land and waterways. Just one oil spill would contaminate the water supply and decimate sacred religious and spiritual sites. 2,000 American veterans are expected to arrive in North Dakota by Monday to protect and stand with them.

The emphasis on LAND and WATER is extremely important here, not only because we need water to survive as a species, but also because emotion is FLUID and is symbolized by water. Emotion is feminine energy, emotion is under attack, and you can’t get more feminine than Mother Nature – the giver of both land and water.

UPDATE Dec 4: The Obama Administration will not grant the necessary permit for the Dakota Access Pipeline. This most favorable result, after months of deeply emotional protest and great hardship, reflects the human WILL (the feminine principle) at work. Most especially the will of the people right there on the ground, but also the will of millions of people in the US and around the world who supported them. Of course, this is probably not the end of the story. That pipeline has to go somewhere…

Note too, that the independent and foreign press covered this major event in great detail, while the US mainstream media it gave minimal attention.

The entire world is at the mercy of people who do not understand the true value of the ecosystem because they measure value in terms of currency, and overlook the greater reality. They control all the food, water, air, seed, and soil. The point here is that knowledge is power, and they lack knowledge. They will eventually fail.

This week, one of the world’s greatest scientific minds, Stephen Hawking, wrote an article about Brexit – and the election of Donald Trump. Here is an excerpt:

“…we are at the most dangerous moment in the development of humanity. We now have the technology to destroy the planet on which we live, but have not yet developed the ability to escape it. Perhaps in a few hundred years, we will have established human colonies amid the stars, but right now we only have one planet, and we need to work together to protect it.

To do that, we need to break down, not build up, barriers within and between nations. If we are to stand a chance of doing that, the world’s leaders need to acknowledge that they have failed and are failing the many.

With resources increasingly concentrated in the hands of a few, we are going to have to learn to share far more than at present.”