Monthly Archives: May 2018

Week 22 2018

Week 22Week 22 of this 11 Year runs from Monday, May 28 to Sunday, June 3. This is a super-charged week to say the least, both in the world, and in our own personal lives.

The combination of 11 and 22 brings the 33 vibration into play. When multiple master numbers are present, ALL the master numbers from 11 to 99 are activated because they are all multiples of 11. And yet each has its own vibration, power, and purpose.

“I am life that wills to live in the midst of life that wills to live.”
 ~Albert Schweitzer

22 represents the Master Builder – and the Master Destroyer. It builds things. It rips things apart. 22 also represents human rights and dignity, and big ideas and large-scale plans to improve conditions for large groups of people. It also exposes the damage inflicted on human beings by other human beings when the power of 22 is used for purely selfish reasons. 22 is always about ‘others’. When it is abused, the destroyer steps in and ‘others’ become the enemy.

22 is the number of greatness, but when it is abused, the potential for greatness turns to self-absorption and ego-mania.

The United States is in the 22nd Week of a 22/4 National Year.

Donald Trump was born on the 22/4 Life Path (aka Destiny Path).

He is in a 31/4 Personal Year.

It is impossible to keep track of everything going on. A new atrocity or dire situation seems to occur every day. The horrors of racism continue to dominate, and are particularly visible right now in the USA, Britain, and Israel.

In Week 22 of its 22 National Year, the US is focused on conditions affecting thousands of refugee CHILDREN at the Mexican border, of whom 1,500 are missing. No one can account for them, giving rise to fears about human trafficking and heaven only knows what else. Or perhaps these children are with relatives who are too afraid to come forward in case the authorities take the children away. Whatever the case, fears for these children, many of whom were traveling alone, are real and valid. Child trafficking is a thriving industry.  In today’s reality, thinking the unthinkable is hard to avoid. And the policy to separate parents and children upon presenting themselves for entry is extremely cruel. Most of these families are not breaking the law. They are following the law – and walking into a trap.

Other children continue to undergo the horrors of school shootings, and neighborhood violence. In the U.K. this time last year, on May 22, the Manchester Bombing claimed 22 young lives at an Ariana Grande concert. Israel is strategically arresting Palestinian children in brutal fashion, and the horrific massacre of Palestinians last week, which included several children, finally gained the world’s attention.

It is a fact of life that children are the future, and they are being attacked by governments and maniacs. Of course it’s not just children. Crimes against humanity are happening with increasing impunity. It’s in your face, day in and day out. And it’s heartbreaking – and terrifying.

The comparison to Germany in the 1930s is unavoidable, right down to the sheer volume of traumatized displaced PEOPLE seeking refuge for themselves and their families. How all this unfolds in Week 22 of this 11 Year is yet to be seen, but there does seem to be a ‘whirlwind’ atmosphere about it, as if some kind of peak is imminent.

If we don’t fight hard enough for the things we stand for, at some point we have to recognize that we don’t really stand for them. ~Paul Wellstone

When master numbers congregate, as they do in Week 22, sparks fly. Some are highly creative, peaceful, and innovative. And some are regressive, cruel, and destructive. The principle lessons from the 1000s involve INDEPENDENCE and CHOICE. We have to choose our own direction – actually make a decision as to who we are and what we stand for – and what we will not stand for. And we have to develop the power of INTENT.

When we look at the 11:11 phenomenon in its full light, we cannot ignore the colon between the two 1s. This punctuation mark acts as a separator. On a digital clock, it separates the hours from the minutes. In numerology, it signifies diversity. We are all 1, and we are equal, but we are not all the same. Our differences are the basis of chemistry, and two 1s – or 11 – is where chemistry (potential) begins. Another thing that jumps out of 11:11 is its two different totals, both 22 and 4.

1= the individual

1+1=2 (each other)

11+11=22 (many individuals)

2+2=4 = potential (for better or worse).

Practical 4 brings us DOWN TO EARTH – and limits us until we allow ourselves to feel whatever feelings reality triggers. The symbol of 4 is the box, and when we feel as boxed in as we currently do in the world, frustration turns to anger, and anger turns to rage, which needs to be channeled in a practical way.

Psychology is continually used to control people, but the tables are turning now as the transparency of 2 reveals the true tactics of autocrats who use denial and chaos as strategy. Truth itself is under attack as once again the BIG LIE is employed as a weapon of control. This is not new. Hitler coined the phrase Big Lie (Große Lüge) in his book Mein Kampf:

“…in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying.”

Hitler also denied using the Big Lie by saying that the Jews were the ones using it. We see this frequently in the Trump administration. Denial as policy. (Perhaps Donald Trump’s non-word “bigly” is just a mispronunciation of Big Lie!)

The art of denial includes deflecting the truth by blaming others for what you yourself are doing. The art of denial includes knowing how to take advantage of other people’s denials – those things people don’t want others to know about. This includes the fear of not knowing how to confront bullies without getting badly hurt. Some people are simply not confrontational or in any way aggressive. And that’s OK. What matters is to keep our minds open to reality. Denial is what we are evolving from.

A closed mind cannot learn anything new. It is therefore essential that we open our minds to new ideas, approaches, and possibilities. We cannot take a new road and remain on the old road at the same time.

Something seems to be coming to a head with Donald Trump, and the energy of Week 22, along with the USA’s 22 National Year, and his own 22 Destiny Number is likely to accelerate things considerably. 2 is the number of sensitivity, and while he is oversensitive to anything pertaining to himself, he is totally insensitive to anyone else’s needs and rights. He is not a master negotiator. He is a master denier. And before humanity can evolve past this hideous and agonizing segment of our journey into Free Will, we ALL have to come out of denial. He shows us every day just how futile and pointless denial is. Denial of reality is the main obstacle to equality and peace. Denial’s mission is to capture the truth and prevent it from reaching consciousness.

“Healthy relationships are made up of individual people, rather than halves of a whole.”  ~Eric Francis Coppolino

Free Will begins with our ability to express outwardly what we are feeling inwardly without harming our selves or anyone else in the process. That is what propels us forward individually, and collectively. We are a species of communicators. Each one of us has our own unique account of life, and the way we express ourselves tells our story. That’s how we get to know each other. That’s how we connect. That’s how relationships form. 2 is the number of relationship and connection. 22 helps us to form relationships in which we invest all our love without sacrificing who we are. We cannot evolve without self acceptance.

Everything in life is connected. Absolutely everything. We are 1. As the WILL of humanity continues to rise, we must let it sink in and feel the menace that systemic lying presents. We cannot let it persist. It is tearing language to shreds and this numbs our feelings and muddles our thoughts. This destroys our ability to COMMUNICATE honestly and intelligently. However, we are at a point in time (the 2000s) in which our feminine feelings and our masculine thoughts are evolving within us, by connecting and cooperating (in the heart).

The master number 33/6 will be instrumental this week in providing communication that educates the population, and which somehow overrides the BIG LIE. 33 is the most balanced form of 6 – the number of responsibility, love, family, parents, children, home, stability, equality, justice, fairness, and balance. 6 teaches us about the rights of individuals – and the purpose of government, which is to uphold those rights. 6 represents education, and 33 is a master teacher. 6 represents health and wellbeing, and 33 is a master healer.

However, the flip side of 6 is that of the tyrant and controller, and 33 can bring this tendency to the most depraved levels, especially when feelings of superiority are active. White supremacy and male dominance thrive in such an atmosphere.

In Week 22, we are likely to see both sides of the 22/4 energy – and the 33/6 energy, too. And as talks about nuclear weaponry are arranged between to of the most unevolved men on Earth, we are also likely to see both sides of 11/2. This is a stunning place to be in the course of time.

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MAY 25 2018

may 25 2018May 25 2018 brings unexpected flashes of light that penetrate the darkness and reveal what’s going on behind the scenes or beneath the surface. There is an emphasis on communication, action, reaction, opinion, learning, the opening of the mind and heart, secrets, lies, power, bullying, and the games people play.

YEAR = 2+0+1+8=11

MONTH = May = 5

MAY 2018 = 5+11=16/7

DAY = 25th = 7

DATE = 5+7+11=2+3=5

WEEK = 21 = 3

A change of course and atmosphere begins on Friday, May 25 2018. It seems to reach a preliminary climax on June 2nd or 3rd, but it actually expands for many months. With so much disinformation and sheer hatred being thrown at the population, our hearts, minds, and physical bodies are under enormous stress. When our inborn ability to express ourselves is compromised, we have no Free Will because the Will operates and advances through a balance of emotional and intellectual expression. Outward expression. We all have a voice – and therefore we all have a say in how we live. There is no one on Earth qualified enough to dictate this to us.

There is SO much going on here, including an unavoidable surge of anger and outrage, and the relief that comes when pent up emotions are finally released. Just remember that emotions are not weapons. They are your honest feelings, and in order to turn them into appropriate response and  action, you really do have to feel them as they move through and out of your body.

The development of our emotional power is not about screaming and yelling or being depressed. It’s about feeling the impact of a situation strongly enough to want to do something about it – and then BEING part of the solution. We must FEEL what is happening in order to change it.

Free Will is the future. With Free Will, we create our own realities by being who we really are, and learning as we go.  Everyone has a Will (feminine energy). But without peaceful intent, the Will is not free.


Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Numerology … get your Creative Numerology Year Book here –     PDF (by email)   OR   PRINTED           KINDLE

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Week 20, 2018

Week 20Week 20 runs from Monday, May 14 to Sunday, May 20.

People are not protesting political differences. People are protesting systemic injustice, cruelty, murder, incompetence, negligence, and the capture of the human Will. Our current position in the cycles of time is one in which the Will is rising to free itself – and we cannot know our true potential as human beings until we achieve this. When the feminine Will becomes equal to the masculine Mind, and they operate together, in harmony, who knows what can be achieved in this inner balance.

2 represents equality, partnership, cooperation, connection, details, and caring. We are awash in 2 energy in Week 20 – as flashes of 11 and 22 shed light on all those denials and distortions of the truth. We are moving further away from the 1000s and deeper into the 2000s, towards the end of the decade of the 10s – towards 2020 and the decade of the 20s.

It is not the nature of 2 to dominate, but 2 is nonetheless in the most dominant position as it takes its natural place in time. But we are being subjected to the dangerous denials of those who are terrified of losing their position in this game we call the human “RACE”.  They throw their denied fear at the world – and it hits us as terror.

In Week 20, we are at an important turning point. For the next 10 weeks, all the Week numbers begin with 2. No matter how fast things are moving in the outer world, 2 is trying to slow us down internally to give us a clearer sense of what is going on, and how we are ALL connected to current events – and each other.

The race is so complex in the Middle East that it seems to be spiraling in ways we have not seen before. As soon as Donald Trump pulled out of the Iran Nuclear Agreement in Week 19, a spontaneous escalation of bombing, suffering, and death occurred in the region. In these early days of the 2000s, we are dealing with the consequences of actions taken in the 1900s, and the overpowering growth of the industrial system which depends on both OIL and CHEAP LABOR – slave labor in many cases. The jockeying for position is breathtaking to observe.


Week 20 begins on May 14 – the 70th anniversary of Israel’s Declaration Of Independence in 1948.

This year on May 14 the USA makes its provocative embassy relocation from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

The following day, May 15, is the “Day Of The Catastrophe” or Nakba Day. The day on which the real physical occupation of Palestine began, ousting 700,000 Palestinians from their homes.

May 15 is also the first day of Ramadan – the 9th month of the Islamic calendar – a strictly observed holy month of prayer and fasting.

2018 is an 11 Year

May 15, 2018 is a 22/4 Day

1948 was a 22/4 Year

11:11 = 22

2 cannot exist without two 1s (1+1=2)

11 = connection. Therefore, 2020 = 11:11

The Master Numbers 11 and 22 are prominent as we approach 2020, and because all the master numbers, from 11 to 99, are multiples of 11, all nine of them are active in 2018.

Through its power of CONNECTION, 11 illuminates what we’re dealing with and forms a bigger, more precise picture. It shines its light on what we most need to see. But it also produces defense mechanisms for those who don’t want to be seen, which include creating distraction, blurring perception, muddying waters, reversing blame, the devious art of denial, and sheer brute force. While 11 signifies connection and unity, it also makes opposition to these qualities inevitable.

1 = SELF and 2 = SELVES…
1 = EACH and 2 = OTHER…

22 = large groups of people – the masses – and because it is a generally caring energy, 22 focuses on the conditions in which all of us find ourselves. But when the ego is over-inflated, caring is limited to the self, and others suffer as a result.

22 is the number of the Master Architect and Builder – and – the great destroyer that rips things to pieces. 22 represents large-scale concepts. For better or worse, 22 represents GREATNESS. With loving intent, 22 creates change by building something new which is designed to render the old irrelevant. But when the motivation is ego-based and selfish, the results are destructive and chaotic.

In the next 10 Weeks, the ways of the past will inevitably double-down and create chaos everywhere. But as humanity continues to free its own Will and evolve, it will be easier to see the potential of the future. It is vital that we do not normalize this ‘hostile takeover’ of the world.

Donald Trump was born on the 22/4 Destiny Path (6+14+1946 = 6+14+2=22/4), and the USA is in a 22/4 National Year in 2018. (7+4+11=22/4). May in a 22/4 Year is a 27/9 Month – the number of endings, conclusions, drama, deep emotions, and the opportunity to acquire genuine confidence, regenerate, reorganize, and rebuild.

People are trapped in history, and history is trapped in them. ~James Baldwin

Because the dying system itself is one big race to be #1 – racism can no longer be hidden or ignored. It is everywhere, and it affects everyone.

When racial discrimination become national policy, we have apartheid in our midst. Apartheid means “separateness”. Segregation. The police are often the worst offenders because their function is to uphold policy. In an authoritarian system, the police do not protect and serve the people. They protect and serve the system. These assaults and murders are distinct acts of terrorism. Crimes against humanity. And such tactics belong in the segment of time we are evolving FROM, and must never be ‘normalized’.

“One love, one heart, let’s get together and feel all right..” ~Bob Marley, One Love

Old concepts are changing drastically now, as the hypocrisy of white privilege is seen more clearly. White people can no longer hide behind the mask of superiority that the system imprinted on them. As some complain that “not all” white people are like this, the fact is that all white people have white privilege – put in place to keep poor whites in line by instilling the belief that even the poorest white is superior to any black. White people, including myself, need to be humbled and inspired by this – not crippled by guilt or made defiant by denied guilt – just humbly aware of our place in a diverse, fair, balanced, evolving world. Humility does not mean being any less than you are. It means accepting yourself exactly as you are. Self Acceptance is the greatest lesson that 1 has to teach at this time, and it applies to ALL of humanity.

The cruel act of separation (divide and conquer), is part of many immigration tactics around the world, including the separation of refugee children from their parents, announced as policy in the USA just last week. Separation tactics were used in Britain, as part of the Windrush atrocity.

1 = separation
2 = 1+1 = unity

If we look at 11 from a different angle, it is the very symbol of EQUALITY. Turn 11 on its side, and there it is. 

 The Will is made of feminine energy, (emotion). That’s the part of us that is evolving now. But the development of our emotional power is not about crying, yelling, or being depressed. It’s about feeling the impact of a situation strongly enough to want to do something about it – and then BEING part of the solution. We must FEEL what is happening in order to change it. This is how we WILL things into being.

War is not the answer. But it is the tactic of masculine energy that refuses to evolve into its higher potential. Unevolved 1 focuses only on the SELF and feels superior to others. It has to win, it has to be better, bigger, faster, smarter – it has to be best. It has to win at all costs. And when it feels itself slipping, it bullies its way back to the ‘top’. This small-mindedness creates the concepts of MALE SUPERIORITY, WHITE SUPREMACY – and the RACE to be #1. Unevolved 1 cannot move beyond the extremes of inflated or deflated EGO.

On the other hand, evolved 1 desires to learn new things, to lead its own life, and to accept that OTHERS have the same rights. Evolved 1 brings BALANCE to the ego. This is authenticity and genuine confidence (not a false outer appearance of confidence which cannot be maintained in 2’s transparency). 1 is the nucleus of all the OTHER numbers, and its purpose is to generate life, not hold it back.

When we take freedom and abundance for granted, we lose the balancing power that gratitude brings and we move into the tangle of greed, which is compounded by denied guilt. Not only is greed the inability to feel satisfied, it is also the inability to feel grateful. And taking the gifts of life for granted brings many problems. Greed renders us so afraid of loss that it closes our hearts to others, even those we love.

This transition between 1 and 2 is complex and difficult. 2 does not compete. 2 cares, cooperates, and accommodates. 2 is sensitive, intuitive, has patience, notices the details – and makes us aware of how 1 thing leads to another.

Week 20 ends on the 20th, which should be interesting.


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