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Week 47 runs from November 19th to 25th. It is an 11 Week in this 11th Month of this 11 Year.

Everything is moving so fast. But time is not speeding up. There are still 60 minutes in an hour, and 60 seconds in a minute. Yet here we are, traveling through a frantic gap in time, where what happened yesterday is immediately overshadowed by some other trauma or distraction happening today! This gap between the 1000s and the 2000s is what I call the MEANTIME. And oh – what a mean and vicious time it is!

Humanity’s sense of perception has been damaged by a malicious ‘dumbing down’ process, without which this heartless system would be unable to operate.  Our inability to settle unresolved matters of the past is creating and prolonging this painful segment.  And yet we are moving forward anyway. The emotional movement that the chaos is triggering is having an unexpectedly positive effect in that people are more aware of reality today, than ever before. Without that, we have no hope of evolving out of this hellishness.

In the transparency of the 2000s, we can see that those in control are not trying to calm things down. They are creating the emotional mayhem, whipping things up – and the crueler the better. They don’t care whether we know they’re lying or not, and their sheer blatancy is often a distraction in itself – from the authoritarian groundwork they are trying to set.

The 2 energy does not make time move slower, but it is slowing humanity down so we can actually see – and sense – what we’re dealing with. 2 opens up our instincts and intuition – and we instinctively know that in order to move forward, we must see the bigger picture and understand how it all fits together.  We cannot evolve until we understand what we are evolving from.

2 is the number of UNITY, COOPERATION, AWARENESS, ATTENTION TO DETAIL, CONNECTING THE DOTS, and the implementation of INTELLIGENT STRATEGY. 2 reminds us that there is strength in numbers – and that knowledge is power.

2 cannot exist until 1 and 1 join together, which is why 11 is the most prominent number of these times.  We are now traveling through an entire month of revealing 11:11 energy because November 2018 is the 11th Month of an 11 Year. 11 is the number of LIGHT and awareness. As I wrote in an earlier article:

“ 1 is electrical masculine energy, and 11:11 is like a circuit-breaker that detects overloads or surges in the electrical flow. It is a signal that the current is taking a wrong path and, if not corrected, will result in a short-circuit or total breakdown. 1+1=2, and 2 is magnetic feminine energy, without which there can be no balance, no fairness, no equality, no justice, no peace.

Events are going to shake us until they wake us – until we are able to feel our feelings fully. Until this happens, atrocity and tragedy can only continue. In order to stop the further fracturing of humanity, and all life on Earth, we must lift ourselves out of our shock and denial, wake up, come to our senses, and accept that WE ARE the current – and this mess is our current reality!

 At the same time, we have to keep moving in the direction we want to go. We have to keep believing in ourselves. And we have to keep increasing our capacity to give and receive LOVE. These are the feelings that will carry us forward. ”

The POWER OF COMMUNICATION is highlighted now – and all the way through 2019, which is a 3 Year. (2+0+1+9=1+2=3)3 is the number of communication in all its forms.  The natural power of communication has been so abused that many people simply do not know what’s up – or down. Mind control is one of the cruelest abuses of power.

Open COMMUNICATION is as vital to life as the air we breathe, and the water we drink. It is not just a matter of how we communicate with each other, but, first and foremost, how we communicate within OURSELVES. It is a matter of how willing we are to replace old outdated understandings by learning new things. Connecting one thing to another is how we gain awareness. But without communication, there is no way to connect. 11 = connection = intelligence = awareness.

November’s profusion of 11 energy is giving birth to all the other master numbers, each of which is a multiple of 11.

YEAR: 2+0+1+8=11

MONTH: =11

WEEK: 47=11

11+11+11 = 33/6

33 is the most balanced form of 6 – the number of JUSTICE.  It is no coincidence that in the USA, the Justice Department, the Supreme Court, and the Judicial system in general are in such disarray.

33 helps us to hold on and hold together as we strive for stability, balance, safety, and peace. 33 is a protective nurturing energy. And yet, the same energy also enables bullies and tyrants to take control through the manipulative use of communication. Those two 3s can be instrumental in the most extreme and harmful behavior. Numbers have power – the outcome of which depends very much on whose hands it is in.

Problem-solving and taking control are two of the main aspects of 6. This can involve taking control of your own life. And taking control of a situation that needs a steady head and heart to lead the way – instead of feeling too afraid or uninformed to make a move. Old programming does not let us see the present situation for what it is, and prevents meaningful change by insisting that what was once right for a particular situation still is.

As we continue to evolve towards Free Will, notice how enslaved we are to ancient understandings, customs, and traditions which are elements of the ‘dumbing down’ process.

There is an urgent emphasis on global matters, and because 11 represents both relationship and illumination, more connections between specific people and events are likely to come to light – along with other important behind-the-scenes or under-the-surface aspects.

The circumstances of Week 47 are likely to connect many ‘dots’, as both 4 and 7 represent detail, analysis, and exposing inaccuracy. And because part of their function is to analyze and uncover faults, mistakes, secrets, and lies, 4 and 7 can make people harshly judgmental and critical when they don’t have all the facts. Conspiracy theories abound!

4 = order and system, restriction, obstacles, precision, correcting errors, and putting everything in its right place.

7 =intelligence, analysis, the mind, learning, spirituality, intuition, faith, secrets, lies, fear, and the need to be better than others.

For all the positive aspects that 4 and 7 bring into our lives, these vibrations also expose many of life’s horrors, including the level of cruelty that has always existed on Earth, but has always been covered up. The transparency of 2 is exposing not just what is being covered up, but the tactics, connections and conspiracies of the people doing the covering up. 

To conceal the truth is to BURY it. And because emotion is our honesty – our truth – the more truth that is revealed, the more we are moved emotionally – and the more aware we become of our own buried emotions. Emotional healing is the next ‘big thing’ in the human journey, and it starts with allowing our buried emotions – feelings we have buried alive under our denials – to finally move through and out of our bodies. 

Buried emotions don’t die. They remain trapped in the body – forever trying to find their way out. Our bodies can never be at ease while this is going on inside. Emotional suppression is the principle cause of all our dis-eases.

Emotion is magnetic feminine energy. It attracts. In order to heal itself, it is attracting more and more TRUTH into our consciousness – which is masculine electrical energy. Consciousness – the mind – often finds this to be too painful, and then sends our emotions into the dungeons of denial. But the fact that our emotions are now  breaking through the barriers that the mind puts up, is forcing the mind to evolve, too. And because all this is happening within the body, physical form is evolving at the same time. This is what it means to be real, to be whole – to be 1 complete individual, with all of our parts working in cooperation with each other. Only this level of inner peace can bring peace to the outer world.

Feminine energy is so numb and disoriented from having been buried for so long – and so abused, hated, defiled and tortured – that it has become extremely ill and is spewing out hate, cold indifference, the most obscene levels of cruelty, and outright insanity. Hate is not an emotion. Hate is a disease of the emotions. The ‘illest’ of ill-feelings. HATE infects the emotional range with its absence of LOVE – and yet only love can heal it. And sometimes, hate is so far gone that it is beyond any hope of healing.



NOVEMBER 22, 2018 = 11+22+11=44

This is a very important date in the journey. It doesn’t just affect the day itself. This energy has been building up from the last time it occurred in 2009, and will continue to affect us all as the journey unfolds. 

22 can inspire us with its power for compassion and constructive good – or – it can create havoc, destruction, and cruelty, through the outright abuse of power. 22 is the most balanced form of 4. It is the energy of potential greatness. It urges us to work in a way that benefits others – not so much on an individual level, but in a way that can help the masses. 22 brings new and unusual approaches to old problems.

44 enables us to put distractions aside and focus on what is important. It helps us to get on with what has to be done. 4 is the number of restriction, so this is not an easy vibration to deal with – and yet it has the strangest ability to make you look as if it’s easy. 44 contains the light of 11, multiplied by 4, and it has enormous power. 4+4=8, the number of power on the material plane.

A great sense of purpose and resolve arises out of this energy. 44/8 gives us power by showing us how things work, including how the power of our feelings are meant to coexist with the power of our minds and bodies. It helps us to understand and respect our own limits. It teaches us that just because something can be done doesn’t mean it should be done. 44 provides the motivation which leads to breakthrough, especially in matters of correcting inaccuracy. 44 enables us to be the catalyst for real and meaningful change on a very large scale.

The 11 energy of Week 47 adds another 11 to the November 22, 2018 equation, which gives us 55. It is notable that John F Kennedy was murdered on this day 55 years ago – a reminder that the killing of political figures is not new.

55/10/1 depicts massive existential CHANGE – the kind of change that alters our entire existence on Earth. Such as computers. Such as war. Such as medical and healing breakthroughs. Such as the immeasurable and total transformation going on right now on Planet Earth.

5 brings sudden and unexpected change. 1 brings change through gradual progress. 5 = freedom. 1 = independence. 5 makes us aware of our physical presence among others, and in these evolutionary times, 1 is evolving beyond mere selfishness into self-awareness and empathy. 55 is an extremely fertile and sexual vibration which can give birth to unusual children – and concepts – and bring the most unusual ideas to life! 55 can bring a huge shift in consciousness which enables us to finally break through antiquated traditions and other long-standing barriers.


10 represents the binary code which is the lifeblood of our computerized lives. We cannot evolve until we recognize and understand the reality we are evolving from: this includes the role the digital INDUSTRY has played, and is playing, in the dumbing down of humanity.


1 is the first number – the nucleus of all the other numbers. Therefore, matters of nuclear power, nuclear weapons, and nuclear waste, are cause for concern in the current global atmosphere, especially when 1 is doubled and 11 comes into play. The symbology here is the splitting of the atom.

November 22, 2018 is the 326th day of the year, which gives us yet another 11, and brings 66 into the picture. 6 is the number of balance, justice, home, responsibility, and love.  66 adds up to 12 which mirrors the course humanity is taking – out of the 1000s and into the 2000s. And 12 adds up to 3 – the number of COMMUNICATION.

So, with both 33/6 and 66/3 emanating out of this amazing date in the journey, communication, on every level, holds massive and continuous global lessons for us all, until we experience this energy again 9 Years from now in 2027.

11=2, the number of PATIENCE. We have too little PATIENCE because we misunderstand the true power and the purpose of TIME – just as we misunderstand the true power and purpose of FREE WILL.

Physical life on Earth is a journey through time. But without Free Will, we remain shackled to our clocks and calendars instead of using them for their intended purpose – which is to know who we are as individuals, where we are in the journey, and what we still have to learn. Time is the numeric framework on which we evolve – based on Mother Earth’s seasons and her year-long rotations around the sun. Time is a naturally freeing entity and was never meant to confine us the way it currently does. We have so much to learn about our most basic realities.

Even the word HUMAN is an inaccurate depiction of who and what we really are – especially now in this time of rising feminine energy.

HU is Arabic for “HE IS”

MAN is English for “MAN”

Even the word WOMAN is MAN with a WO in front.

WOE = calamity, distress, anguish, and grief – which is how masculine mind has experienced feminine emotion. This is why the feminine energy that exists in ALL human beings: men and boys – and women and girls – has been so abused and kept down.

As a result, our entire concept of gender and sexuality is limited to a heterosexual ‘norm’. This is just as irrational and obscene as the concept of ‘white people’ being the ‘norm’, against which all others are JUDGED! We are only just discovering the extent of Humanity’s amazing diversity. But this RACE we’ve been forced to run – the “human race” – has kept us from seeing the enormity of our individual and collective potential.

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 25 is the last day of Week 47. It encapsulates all of this week’s master energies, within the spiraling movement of 9.  (11+2+5= 1+8=9).  Your Weekly reading repeats as a daily reading today. And, November 25, 2018 is an 11/2 day.  (11+2+5+11=2+9=11). Sunday is a 9/11 day – a day of reversal or conclusion. It is also a 55/10/1 Day – a day of innovative thinking and real progress.

WEEK 48 begins on Monday, which focuses very closely on what is being communicated and how we respond. 4+8=1+2=3.


Read previous article about 11:11 November 2018 HERE

read your personal MONTHLY NUMEROLOGY here

read your personal WEEKLY NUMEROLOGY here

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11:11 2018

11:11 has been signaling humanity for decades, and what happens in November 2018 is the key to what we must learn, and what we must do, in order to evolve. Each year, we pass through the 11:11 vibration on November 11th and 29th – for 24-hours. But because 2018 is an 11 Year (2+0+1+8=11), we are now traveling through an entire month, (30 days, 720 hours), of non-stop, concentrated 11:11 energy.

Of course, 11:11 means different things to different people, and this diverse approach is part of the 11:11 experience itself. But it is the time factor that most needs to be understood right now – and how this phenomenal numeric sequence is affecting the world.

1 is electrical masculine energy, and 11:11 is like a circuit-breaker that detects overloads or surges in the electrical flow. It is a signal that the current is taking a wrong path and, if not corrected, will result in a short-circuit or total breakdown. 1+1=2, and 2 is magnetic feminine energy, without which there can be no balance, no fairness, no equality, no justice, no peace.

Events are going to shake us until they wake us – until we are able to feel our feelings fully. Until this happens, atrocity and tragedy can only continue. In order to stop the further fracturing of humanity, and all life on Earth, we have to lift ourselves out of our shock and denial, wake up, come to our senses, and accept that WE ARE the current – and this mess is our current reality!

At the same time, we have to keep moving in the direction we want to go. We have to keep believing in ourselves. And we have to keep increasing our capacity to give and receive LOVE. These are the feelings that will carry us forward.

“To be hopeful in bad times is not foolishly romantic. It is based on the fact that human history is a history not only of cruelty but also of compassion, sacrifice, courage, and kindness.” ~Howard Zinn

As we move deeper into the feminine 2000s, the ways of the masculine 1000s are becoming more obsolete, desperate, and dangerous, as un-evolving men (and women) cling to the old patriarchal ways.

As we transition from 1 to 2, and women evolve into their right place, some men feel as if they are sinking. But that is not what’s happening. What’s happening is EQUALITY – which is balance. Our survival as a species depends on this.

“I wish it need not happen in my time,” said Frodo.

“So do I,” said Gandalf, “and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.” ~J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring

We cannot change what we do not like by becoming that thing we wish to change. Confronting a bully does not require us to be a bully. Meeting violence with violence, anger with anger, hate with hate, heartlessness with heartlessness, cannot change those things, but fuels them even further. This is the insanity that keeps humanity at war with itself.  If we want a more peaceful world, we must BE that peace. And we must also be intelligent and determined enough to know how to resist being terrorized into compliance.

Our senses originate from our ability to FEEL. This is our feminine energy – our WILL. 2 = gravity. Gravity is a measure of our emotions. And it is gravity that keeps our feet on the ground.

Each 1 of us is a unique unit of life, who is having our own singular experience as we make our way through the cycles of time. 11 is the sequence that takes us from 1 to 2 (1+1=2), which corresponds to our journey out of the 1000s and into the 2000s. But until we learn what 1+1=2 actually means, we will remain stuck between the era that is ending – and a new era that cannot begin until we learn from the old one. Time is the framework on which we evolve.


2 is the number of RELATIONSHIP. While 1 represents the individual, 2 represents OTHER individuals. We are all 1s. We are all equal. In fact, turned sideways, 11 becomes the ‘equals sign’.

The past is our greatest teacher…

We experienced similar movement in 2009, (also an 11 Year), but we were in the decade of the 0s back then. Although we experienced a global financial crisis which almost caused the collapse of the world economy, things are more intense this time around because it is occurring in the decade of the 10s – the number that brings everything (not just the economy) to the next level, which, time-wise, is 2020 and the decade of the 20s.

On November 4, 2008, at the height of the greed-driven financial melt-down, Barack Obama was elected the 44th president, and 1st black president, of the United States. This was the SECOND massive pivot point of the 2000s.

44 is 11 multiplied by 4, (11:11:11:11), the impact of which set in motion the long and painful journey that we’re all engaged in now – the journey to EQUALITY, FREE WILL, AND BALANCE – the essential components of PEACE. 44 is the number of OPPOSITES and OPPOSITION, and simply getting on with the work that has to be done. This year, in Week 44, the 44th president briefly re-entered the political arena in an effort to educate, inspire, and “get out the vote”. His birth name, Barack Hussain Obama, converts into the numbers 911 – the emergency code for the United States – and the code of reversal in numerology.

code of reversal

In the previous century, the only times we experienced this 911 and 11:11 combination were in 1901 and 1910, which are in themselves variations of 911 and 119. 

And of course, all of this 911 and 119 energy is connected to the FIRST massive pivot in the 2000s. This occurred in New York (the 11th State), on September 11, 2001, when the Twin Towers (the largest symbol of 11 in the world) were razed to the ground by 2 planes, killing 2,996 people, and injuring 6,000 more.

“The forces of fascism are massing as Nazi propaganda speaks of making Germany great again…”  ~unknown

NOVEMBER 2018 is filled with 11:11 and 9/11 energy, especially on the 9th of November, (11/9 in the United States, and 9/11 in the rest of the world). These are the numbers of reversal, emergence, and emergency. The historic significance of this date has much to teach us.

Kristallnacht – Nazi Germany – 9 November, 1938: a contrived attack on Jews led to their open persecution, concentration camps, state terrorism – and World War 2 in 1939.

Fast-forward 50 years to 9 November, 1989: this was the date which set in motion the destruction of THE WALL – the Berlin Wall – which, after World War 2, split Europe in half. Then, 4 years later in 1993, the European Union was formed, not only as an economic measure, but most importantly, to prevent another world war from ever happening again. In November this year, it is likely that BREXIT, the exit of Britain from the European Union, could reach its final stage. If the date of 27 November holds, it will be a 9:11:11 day in the world.

Meanwhile,Week 45 is a 9/11 Week. It runs from November 5 to 11 – the last day of which is November 11. This gives us 11:11:11 (33). November 11 is Armistice Day all over the world – and Veteran’s Day in The USA. And this year, this date marks the 100thanniversary of the end of World War 1 in which an estimated SIXTEEN MILLION PEOPLE were killed. It was unresolved matters from World War 1 that let to World War 2, 20 years later, which killed a further 50 to 80 MILLION PEOPLE.

11:11 is a symbol of awareness – of humanity’s war with itself, and how to prevent unresolved matters of World War 2 from sparking World War 3.

“I don’t know how we’re going to get through this. It’s going to take leaders to get us out of it and it’s going to take an awakened citizenry. That’s what’s always changed things when things are bad… It’s now up to the citizens to take charge.” ~ Doris Kearns Goodwin, historian.

But history is poised to repeat itself, as a wave of hate and heartlessness rises throughout the world, yet again. The difference this time is our position in the journey. The feminine 2 energy of the 2000s gives us a chance to re-set that 11:11 circuit-breaker. But it will not happen by itself – and that’s the point!

Week 45 is directly linked to the 45th U.S. president, Donald Trump, not just by the number 45, but by anniversary, too. He became the 45th president in Week 45, 2016 (a 9 Year) – on November 8 – and then the very next day, came 11/9 or 9/11.

represents restraint while represents free movement, which is a conflicting and chaotic combination in itself. And because 4 and 5 = 9, the number of endings, drama, and trauma, 45 signifies the end of an age in which cruelty, war, hate, death, and destruction is the norm. 9 represents giving and kindness.

We are not here to “win” and outdo others. We are here to LIVE, to recognize and fulfill our potential and become who we really are – instead of being told by those who are trapped in the past, who we should be. The new millennium of the 2000s is indeed a different age. A different number. An entirely different frequency. 11:11 symbolizes the deliberate SPLITTING of humanity (divide and conquer), and learning how to pull ourselves TOGETHER.

In the new millennium, we will be experiencing an 11-Year every 9 Years. And it is in the 11th month of these 11-Years that major evolutionary steps are most likely to occur. 11 is the number of light, illumination, and the fusion of masculine intellect and feminine intuition within the physical body.


11 is the principle number involved in lifting us out of denial – including our tendency to deny the reality of politics and how the insane greed of a certain few can control the lives and deaths of 7.6 BILLION others. These 11:11 months are evolutionary indicators – brilliantly-lit sign-posts – on the road of life.

11 represents the power of CHOICE – deciding between 1 thing and another. This applies as much to the small decisions we make in our everyday lives, as it does to the big ones. 1 is the leader. Previous choices LED us to our present reality, and the choices we make now are shaping the future. 11 teaches us HOW to choose what is right for us, without harming others, based on what we know, what we feel, and our willingness to process new information. Being conscious of our individual and collective power to choose is FREE WILL (feminine energy), and is the nature of this evolution.

This month’s 11:11 energy, and all the master energies that spring from it, are stripping bare our illusions and forcing us to face the truth:

WE ARE all 1s

WE ARE all in this TOGETHER.

WE cannot survive in 2 – until 1 and 1 UNITE.


read your personal MONTHLY NUMEROLOGY here

read your personal WEEKLY NUMEROLOGY here

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11 WEEK – 11 YEAR