THE POWER OF 10 (week 41)

Week 41 –  October 2016 is a major turning point in the human journey because it is here in the 10th month of this 9 year that we start to feel the vibrant 10 energy of 2017. (2+0+1+7=10/1).

 These two 10s connect to the 10 energy of the current decade. So we are in a numeric surge of 10 10 10 energy throughout October, intertwined with the spiraling movement of this 9 year.

On Monday October 10, we are in 10 10 10 10 energy. 10 is the number of fundamental change.

10 x 3 = 30 = 3

10 x 4 = 40 = 4

3 represents the vital power of communication between people and populations. 3 is the number of entertainment, presentation, illusion, gossip, judgment, hearsay, and shallowness – and the exchange of information and ideas. Nothing is quite what it seems in the 3 energy because 3 represents all the arts, and the art of illusion is one of its principle gifts.

And because 3 is the number of communication, the role of the media is under tremendous scrutiny – and it needs to be.

No matter what happens to Donald Trump in the days and weeks ahead, the Trump problem does not go away. There are already threats of violence from neo-nazis, ku klux klan, and other hate groups that support him, and the mainstream press has helped normalize their hate. Not only has the venom been unleashed, it was showcased! And yet, ironically, even paradoxically, perhaps it needed to be this way so that we can finally distinguish important information (news) from entertainment.

The following is an excerpt from my 2011 article “Numerology and EXTREMES” which fits the current situation well:

“Every emotion has its place in life, even hate. And “place” is very much the point here. Extremes are the furthermost edges of life, which is where hate belongs. The more humanity seeks individual and collective balance, the more the extremes fight back. But extreme energy is so immersed in irrational fear, hate, and rage that it cannot reason or be ‘reasoned with’.

…. they cannot take complete control because the 2 energy of the 2000s has brought us to the right time – the right cycle – for the Will of humanity – our emotional feminine energy – to begin the evolutionary process of freeing itself.

The extremes, left, right, top and bottom, want so much to be right about everything that they have rendered themselves unable to learn anything new.

This is not the rise of the extremes but a violent reaction to their fear of being irrelevant. This irrational fear is uniting with hatred and rage, all of which is spewing out against those they feel most threatened by. No matter how clever they believe themselves to be, they are lashing out mindlessly which is what makes them so dangerous.

The extremes are the manifestation of hatred and rage, each of which has a right to exist, because everything in life has its furthest point….”

10 10 10 10 = 40 = 4. This is the energy of Monday, October 10, 2016. This in turn corresponds to this 10-week cycle in which all the Week Numbers begin with 4. We now have a major opportunity to become more aware of the limiting patterns we maintain through habitual routines and choices. There is no better time than this to CHANGE whatever does not serve our best interests. And there is no better time to become more aware of who we really are deep inside.

The United States faces much more than a political crisis. It is a matter of personal and collective IDENTITY.  4 identifies, sorts and classifies. 4 is the number of foundation, order, system, reasoning and logic. These crises of identity are also happening in The UK, Portugal, Greece, the Middle East, Ethiopia, Australia, China, and all over the world, as we grapple with the question of who we are as a people, as well as individuals. As a species, we are in the process of evolving beyond national and political identity – and the whole concept of political parties is laying bare the corruption of leadership. 1 is the number of leadership – and 10 is 1 amplified.

10 represents real movement, change and progress – the NEXT STEP. We have taken the same basic 9 steps repeatedly through multiple generations. The system is so ingrained with repetition that we don’t even recognize the repeated history in which we partake, and assume that this is just the way life IS. But the way things are now is not how life is supposed to be for ever.

We live in a system that allows a few individuals to determine the fate of all humanity. We are in the process of accepting that this is totally unacceptable.

The more we allow ourselves to feel, the more we are able to revive the human Will, which is the feminine energy that all human beings possess, male and female alike, which has been numbed and silenced through the repression of emotion. As we move further into the 2000s (2 is the number of sensitivity), we are more able to ‘sense’ reality – not the ‘virtual reality’ that the system has painted for us. 1 reflects our precious individuality and 2 reflects the need for unity among individuals.

This multiple-10 vibration provides opportunities to discover the new potential that arises out of new circumstances. It seems like a very slow process, but the first thing we learn from 2 is that PATIENCE is a great power in itself which we must develop and apply as needed: patience with detail, with the process of learning life’s lessons, with ourselves and each other, and with the pace of our progress.

There are only 3 years left before we leave the decade of the 10s and enter the magnetic, emotional, and deeply intuitive 2 vibrations of 2020. To make this transition without destroying ourselves – we must learn what 1 has to teach, and find its connection to what we are simultaneously learning from 2 – the number of unity, cooperation, and caring.

1 = origins, the seed, masculine energy, electricity, territory, ideas, game-playing, competing, winning and losing, leadership, ego, vanity, confidence, independence, invention, innovation, the spirit, the SELF.

In order for the self to evolve and be whole, it must first accept itself just as it is. Self-acceptance is therefore essential. Only then can 2’s nurturing energy help us see BEYOND ourselves and accept others, too. It is our disconnection with SELF that creates the horrors of racism and hate, kept in place by a system that runs on guilt, blame, and shame, all of which are forms of judgment.

1 teaches us that we must love ourselves in order to know the depth at which we can love others. Self love is self respect. And week 41 in this 1 Month/9 Year turns SELF RESPECT and DIGNITY into major issues. We cannot truly respect ourselves or maintain authentic dignity while we ignore and disrespect the dignity of others who are suffering.

WAR IS HELL  ~General William Sherman.

War is hell on Earth – by humanity – against humanity. We are the only species on the planet that is at war with its SELF. And because all change starts within, we cannot claim there is nothing that we as individuals can do about it. If we want a more peaceful world, we must BE more peaceful.

4 is the number of form, matter, dimensions, measurement, classification, law, order, and system. By nature, 4 is judgmental – and while it is active there will be guilt and blame flying everywhere – until breakthrough (understanding) is reached.

As we face our own violence as a species, it is obvious that nothing is more needed now than a desire to understand and love oneself. 2 is the number of relation and relativity, so if we do not understand and accept ourselves, how can we understand and accept anyone else? But this is something we must feel deep within – something we must desire.

We are programmed on a spiritual level to believe that desire is ‘wrong’, but the truth is that desire is the vibration that sets our direction and carries us forward. What matters is the INTENT behind the desire and whether or not it is peaceful. Desire creates the future – and lack of desire enables others to create the future for us. And because we are programmed to believe that success is measured in monetary terms, loving intentions are often overshadowed by the singular desire to accumulate wealth.

Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see…  ~John Lennon, Strawberry Fields

The system in which we are trapped comes from ancient misunderstandings about power on Earth. Our inability to learn from experience has kept us stuck in a violent circle – the karmic wheel – which reflects our inability to get past ZERO.

The word “IS” has great significance at this time. It was Bill Clinton who famously said back in 1998 at his impeachment hearing, “It depends upon what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is”. 1998 was a 9 year, and so much of what’s happening now reflects the decade of the 90s.

Reality is what IS. Not the illusion presented by this ever repeating system. But when a system has established itself, it is difficult to recognize it, let alone change it. The numeric value of IS is 91 which is precisely where we are right now – in the final quarter of a 9 Year, spiraling rapidly toward the 1 Year of 2017. When 1 and 9 merge, we become conscious of many things that were previously unclear.

S is also the 19th letter of the alphabet, and the karmic 19/1 energy is perhaps the principle lesson to be learned as we evolve. 19 adds up to 10, and 1+0 brings us to a whole new level of 1 – the number of new beginnings and change. 19 is the holding pattern that contains everything we did not learn – and everything we need to know – in order to move forward. 19 exposes hypocrisy and atrocity, so that healing can occur. (See link to article about karmic 19/1 at end of page).

Then there is that form of IS that calls itself “islamic state” – but it is not Islamic – and it is not a state. It exists, but its correct place is not in present time – as is the case with all terrorist organizations which spawn inevitably from our system of never-ending war.

Much of the energy that must leave the Earth as we evolve is fighting brutally to retain possession and position – not only in the Arab world, but EVERYWHERE! This is not a matter of politics. The old party system is falling apart all over the world. It is a matter of shaping the future. That is why the past comes back to us in a 9 Year – to help us learn what the past has to teach.

This brings us into the present, which is where we create what WILL be. And that is the part of us that is freeing itself and evolving – the human WILL. Our emotional circuitry. Our feelings and senses. This is why there is so much emphasis on both the power and the degradation of women. But it is not only women who are under assault. Men have emotions too of course, but have been programmed to subdue their feelings to an even larger extent or be perceived as ‘weak’ and ‘womanish’. Feminine emotion is equal to the masculine mind. Different, but equal. Unity within will bring unity to the outside world.

ignorance allied with power is the most ferocious enemy justice can have. ‪  ~James Baldwin

The Donald Trump phenomenon is not a distraction. It is an important reflection of reality on Earth. As the human journey shifts from masculine 1 to feminine 2, one of the most obvious lessons that 1 has to teach is that hatred and mistreatment of women IS violence against the WILL of humanity. This is where racism and all injustices on earth START because sex is where everything starts. It is how we are born. Sexual/gender imbalance is the principle effect preventing forward movement.

Balance is equality.

Balance is fairness.

Balance is justice.

Balance is peace.

Week 41 is a 5 Week – the number of SEX, GENDER, and the PHYSICAL BODY. On October 14th, (1+4=5), Trump faces a federal charge of child rape, (now postponed until December 16) the details of which have been available for many weeks, but have been held back by the mainstream press. Perhaps they are afraid of being sued. Perhaps they simply don’t know how to deal with it. There are also allegations of human trafficking and sex slavery, and how telling it is that the women making these allegations were largely ignored by the media – until the ‘pussy-tape’ surfaced.

And then there is Trump’s connection to Vladimir Putin who had a pussy scandal of his own 4 years ago in 2012 (a 5 year) when the female punk-rock group “Pussy Riot” protested Putin’s totalitarianism and served time in prison for it. Even the name Pussy Riot is a reflection of the upsurge of feminine energy and the Will of humanity which needs truth, healing, and unity in order to survive.

culattcwcaaueffThis 5 week also brings back into view the CENTRAL PARK 5 – the 4 black and 1 Latino teenagers – children – who were wrongfully imprisoned for many years for the brutal attack and rape of Trisha Meili, known then as the ‘Central Park Jogger’. Her terrifying experience occurred on April 19, 1989…. a 5 day, in a 9 year, a 4 month, on the karmic 19th. (All of those numbers correspond to the numbers we are experiencing this week and this month).

Trump took out a full page ad in the New York Daily News calling for the return of the death penalty for these innocent boys. And even after their innocence was proven, he would not back down, arguing that they were ‘no angels’. One of these young men, Yusef Salaam, asked in a recent interview that if Trump still believes they are guilty, would he as president come after them again? What a terrifying thought. Thankfully, The Central Park 5 are now playing an important role in Trump’s downfall, and there is justice in that!

Here in this 1 month (beginnings) in this 9 Year (endings), we are experiencing the beginning of an end. But we cannot assume that we know what this may entail. There are so many different aspects involved and we are not accustomed to this level of complexity.

Slide1Week 41 is a 5 week which could bring sudden shifts in many different areas. 5 is the number of VARIETY.  When 5 is active, things tend to slip back and forth because 5 sits at the very center of the numeric spectrum and has a see-saw effect, depending on the weight or gravity of the situation – and our reaction to it.

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